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Sunday 15 September 2013

The son of Tony Blair, takes a Turkish bride

Euan Blair, son of Albanian friend, Tony Blair, has vowed to tie not with a girl of Turkish origin. Indeed, the bride Suzanne Ashman, comes from a marriage between millionaire Englishman Jonathan Ashman and Turkish mother Altinsoy Sedef, now divorced. Turkish media have followed this all the time while also ceremonial Turkish television all day long today that talked about this topic. Of course, Blair's parents have commented that the bride is one of the best they have ever seen and thanked the Turkish people in front of cameras. For more, read the article British portal "Dailymail":

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Djali i Tony Blair-it, merr nuse turke
Euan Blair, djali i mikut te shqiptareve, Tony Blair,  ka lidhe kurore me nje vajze me origjine turke. Vertete, nusja Suzanne Ashman, vjen nga nje martese mes anglezit milioner Jonathan Ashman dhe nenes turke Sedef Altinsoy, tashme te shkurorezuar. Mediat turke kane percjellur gjate gjithe kohes kete ceremonial ndersa poashtu televizionet turke gjate tere dites se sotme kane folur per kete teme. Natyrisht, prinderit Blair kane komentuar se nusja eshte nje nder me te mirat qe kane pare ndonjehere dhe i jane falenderuar popullit turk para kamerave. Per me shume, lexoni ne artikullin e portalit anglez "Dailymail": 

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