Although she didn't get the trophy of the fourth edition of the show "Dancing With The Stars Albania", roker Krelani Flaka, won the hearts of all fans with her performance in this competition. It was she who had to win, was the common comment of fans across social networks. "You have no idea how happy you made me with such a big love expressed towards me," wrote Flaka on Instagram, and now seems she has realized that she came out as a moral winner and everything was worth it, winning the best possible prize, highest evaluation by the public. We must not forget in 2010, when in the same way the public reacted to contestant Genta ismajli, who was ranked second.
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Flaka Krelani, fituese e zemrave...
Megjithese nuk e mori trofeun e edicionit te katert te spektaklit "Dancing With The Stars Albania", rokerja Flaka Krelani, fitoi zemrat e gjithe fansave me performancen e saj ne kete gare. Ishte ajo qe duhej te fitonte, ishte komenti i zakonshem i fansave neper rrjetet sociale. "Nuk e keni idene sa me keni lumturu me dashurine kaq te madhe qe e shprehet ndaj meje!", ka shkruar Flaka ne Instagram, dhe sikur tani ka kuptuar qe ajo doli si nje fituese morale dhe cdo gje ia ka vlejtur, duke marre shperblimin me te mire te mundshem, te vleresimit me te larte nga publiku. Nuk duhet harruar vitin 2010, kur ne te njejten menyre reagoi publiku ndaj konkurrentes Genta Ismajli, e cila u rendit e dyta. /Albaflashnews/
Megjithese nuk e mori trofeun e edicionit te katert te spektaklit "Dancing With The Stars Albania", rokerja Flaka Krelani, fitoi zemrat e gjithe fansave me performancen e saj ne kete gare. Ishte ajo qe duhej te fitonte, ishte komenti i zakonshem i fansave neper rrjetet sociale. "Nuk e keni idene sa me keni lumturu me dashurine kaq te madhe qe e shprehet ndaj meje!", ka shkruar Flaka ne Instagram, dhe sikur tani ka kuptuar qe ajo doli si nje fituese morale dhe cdo gje ia ka vlejtur, duke marre shperblimin me te mire te mundshem, te vleresimit me te larte nga publiku. Nuk duhet harruar vitin 2010, kur ne te njejten menyre reagoi publiku ndaj konkurrentes Genta Ismajli, e cila u rendit e dyta. /Albaflashnews/