Photo by Thomas Whiteside |
Rita Ora, who just launched her new music video "I will never let you down", has attracted further media attention with a "topless" pose for the cover of magazine "Elle", the May issue. In addition, Rita uncovered for the magazine, that she is in love for the first time. Of course, its about her boyfriend DJ Calvin Harris, who is also the composer of her last song. The singer is expected this year to launch her second album.
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Rita Ora, "topless" ne kopertinen e "Elle"
Rita Ora, e cila sapo lancoi videon e saj me te re "I will never let you down", ka terhequr me tutje vemendjen e mediave me nje posim "topless" per kopertinen e revistes "Elle", te muajit Maj. Pervec tjerash, Rita zbulon per revisten se vertete per here te pare ajo eshte e dashuruar. Natyrisht, fjala eshte per te dashurin e saj Dj Calvin Harris, i cili njekohesisht eshte edhe kompozitori i kenges se saj te fundit. Kengetarja pritet qe kete vit te lancoi albumin e saj te dyte. /Albaflashnews/
Rita Ora, e cila sapo lancoi videon e saj me te re "I will never let you down", ka terhequr me tutje vemendjen e mediave me nje posim "topless" per kopertinen e revistes "Elle", te muajit Maj. Pervec tjerash, Rita zbulon per revisten se vertete per here te pare ajo eshte e dashuruar. Natyrisht, fjala eshte per te dashurin e saj Dj Calvin Harris, i cili njekohesisht eshte edhe kompozitori i kenges se saj te fundit. Kengetarja pritet qe kete vit te lancoi albumin e saj te dyte. /Albaflashnews/