Portal "Mediamass", known for fabricated stories about various celebrities of the world, has targeted this time the british/albanian singer Rita Ora, with a sounding news that speaks of her wealth of $145 millions, while further writing that she heads the list of 100 most paid singers in the world for 2014, with an estimated $46 million in combined annual earnings. According to the portal, the singer is the owner of several restaurants in London, football club "The Pristina Angels", has launched her own brand of Vodka "Pure Wonderora UK", her own perfume "With Love from Rita" and her fashion line "Rita Ora Seduction". But, not all of this is false as we can see from her recent interview with "The Breakfast Club", that we invite you to watch below, where, among other things, she reveals still some unknown facts about her sex life and fragile relationship with her parents through adolescence years, before becoming famous.
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Rita Ora, vlen 145 milion dollare?
Portali "Mediamass", i njohur per shkrime te sajuara ne lidhje me celebritete te ndryshme boterore, kesaj radhe ka vu ne shenjester kengetaren shqiptare Rita Ora, me nje lajm bombastik qe flet per pasurine e saj prej 145 milion dollaresh, ndersa shkruan me tutje se kryeson listen e 100 kengetareve me te paguar ne bote per vitin 2014, me te ardhura te pergjithshme vjetore te vleresuara prej 46 milion dollaresh. Sipas portalit, kengetarja eshte pronare e disa restoranteve ne Londer, e klubit futbollistik "The Pristina Angels", ka lancuar brendin e saj te Vodkes "Pure Wonderora UK", parfumin e saj "With Love from Rita" dhe linjen e saj te modes "Rita Ora Seduction". Por, jo dhe te gjitha jane te paverteta sic mund te shihni nga nje interviste e saj e fundit per "The Breakfast Club", qe ju ftojme ta ndiqni me poshte, ku ajo, pervec tjerash, zbulon dhe fakte ende te panjohura per jeten seksuale dhe relacionin e brishte me prinderit gjate adoleshences se saj, para se te behej e famshme. /Albaflashnews/
Portali "Mediamass", i njohur per shkrime te sajuara ne lidhje me celebritete te ndryshme boterore, kesaj radhe ka vu ne shenjester kengetaren shqiptare Rita Ora, me nje lajm bombastik qe flet per pasurine e saj prej 145 milion dollaresh, ndersa shkruan me tutje se kryeson listen e 100 kengetareve me te paguar ne bote per vitin 2014, me te ardhura te pergjithshme vjetore te vleresuara prej 46 milion dollaresh. Sipas portalit, kengetarja eshte pronare e disa restoranteve ne Londer, e klubit futbollistik "The Pristina Angels", ka lancuar brendin e saj te Vodkes "Pure Wonderora UK", parfumin e saj "With Love from Rita" dhe linjen e saj te modes "Rita Ora Seduction". Por, jo dhe te gjitha jane te paverteta sic mund te shihni nga nje interviste e saj e fundit per "The Breakfast Club", qe ju ftojme ta ndiqni me poshte, ku ajo, pervec tjerash, zbulon dhe fakte ende te panjohura per jeten seksuale dhe relacionin e brishte me prinderit gjate adoleshences se saj, para se te behej e famshme. /Albaflashnews/