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Tuesday 22 October 2013

Arbana Osmani on the cover of magazine "Living"

Arbana Osmani ne kopertinen e Revistes "Living"
Popular moderator, Arbana Osmani, is on the cover of the latest issue of the magazine " Living ". Inside the magazine, the moderator comes with an exclusive story on her passion for cuisine and distant journeys. If you haven't known yet , Arbana in fact is writing a book with recipes and she raised great interest with fans with recipes that she's posting on her social network . "I was not raised in the spirit that you must learn to cook, beause I will meet the mother in law... cousine is a passion which I discovered all by myself, quite casually," explained Arbana. Besides cooking, she has a passion with distant journeys, to discover new people and cultures, while she is also a great animal lover. For years, she and her husband Ardit, have chosen to visit Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, Venezuela , but this year even Africa. Back here in the country, we will see Arbana this year in the sunday's spectacle "E Diell", together with Ledion Lico and Xhemi Shehu.
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Arbana Osmani ne kopertinen e Revistes "Living"
Moderatorja e njohur, Arbana Osmani, mbulon kopertinen e numrit te fundit te Revistes "Living". Ne brendesi te revistes, moderatorja vjen me nje rrefim ekskluziv mbi pasionet e saj per kuzhinen dhe udhetimet e largeta. Ne qofte se nuk e keni te njohur, Albana ne te vertete eshte duke shkruar edhe nje liber me receta gatimi dhe ka zgjuar interesim te madh tek fansat me recetat qe ajo poston ne rrjetin e saj social. "Nuk jam rritur me frymen se duhet te mesoj te gatuaj, se do shkoj te vjehrra... kuzhina eshte nje pasion te cilin e zbulova vete, krejt rastesisht", ka shpjeguar Albana. Pervec gatimit, ajo ka pasion edhe udhetimet e largeta, per te zbuluar njerez dhe kultura te reja, ndersa eshte edhe adhuruese e madhe e kafsheve. Per vite me radhe, ajo dhe bashkeshorti i saj Arditi, kane zgjedhur te vizitojne Azine, Tajlanden, Malajzine, Venezuelen, por kete vit edhe Afriken. Ndersa ketu ne vend, Arbanen do e shohim sivjet tek spektakli "E Diell" se bashku me Ledion Lico dhe Xhemi Shehu-n.

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