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Sunday 20 October 2013

"The Boxer's daughter" involved in politics...

As it was announced in the recent news, R&B singer Monika Salihu seems to have permanently abandoned music career, since there has been now several years, since she has'nt brought anything new and now she is getting involved in politics. The singer is lined up with AAK party and she is a candidate for Municipal Assembly of Prishtina, as seen in the photo presentation in the election campaign. Otherwise, she is the daughter of the famous Kosovar boxer Aziz Salihu, and often called "The Boxer's daughter", same as the title of one of her songs.
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"Cika e Bokserit" merret me politike

Sic u paralajmerua para pak kohesh, RnB kengetarja Monika Salihu duket sikur ka braktisur pergjithmone karrieren muzikore, pasi ka disa vite qe nuk ka sjellur dicka te re dhe tani po merret me politike. Kengetarja eshte rreshtuar me partine AAK dhe eshte kandidate per Asamblene Komunale te Prishtines, sic shihet edhe nga fotoja prezantuese e fushates parazgjedhore. Perndryshe, ajo eshte vajza e boksierit te famshem kosovar, Aziz Salihu, dhe shpesh e quajne "Cika e Boksierit", ashtu si nje kenge e saj me te njejtin titull.

Monika Salihu - Wow

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