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Sunday 6 April 2014

BLUETOOTH Magazine - 5th April 2014

Revista BLUETOOTH - 5 Prill 2014

VIP headlines of the week from the magazine "Bluetooth" (5 April 2014) 

Klajda Gjosha confirmed pregnant, minister in her third month 
Big Brother; Arditi and Jona, bites and kisses at home; Rigels: Erald is lying, he had sex with Esida 
Hot nights of Elton Deda 
Conflict for the channel "Youtube" enlights, the German court decides in favor of Flori 
Artenisa Ozaj returns as image 
Jonida Maliqi, Queen of photos 
Eneda Tarifa, colorful birthday 
Bleona Qereti, new song is ready
Arber and Everest, marathon for autism 
Rezarta Shkurta, dress for her daughter by Rezi Skifteri
When the music makes us friends: Enca Haxhia & Beatrix Ramosaj 
Noizy selects "Miss and Mister Durres" 
Anjeza Shahini, frantically "in love" 
Orgesa Zaimi, first album soon 
Vedat Ademi proud of his son 
Sunny mornings of Eranda Libohova 
Ronela Hayati: Getty's word is law 
Fjolla Morina, spoiled as her daughter
Armina Mevlani, among the most beautiful in the world 
Aurela Gace and Eli Fara, the inseparable friends.
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Titujt kryesore VIP te javes nga Revista "Bluetooth" (5 Prill 2014)

Klajda Gjosha shtatzene konfirmohet, ministrja ne muajin e trete
Big Brother; Arditi dhe Jona, kafshime dhe puthje ne shtepi; Rigelsi: Eraldi genjen, ka bere seks me Esiden
Netet e nxehta te Elton Dedes
Zbardhet konflikti per kanalin ne "Youtube", gjykata gjermane vendos ne favor te Florit
Artenisa Ozaj rikthehet si imazh
Jonida Maliqi, mbreteresha e fotografive
Eneda Tarifa, ditelindje plot ngjyra
Bleona Qereti, gati kenga e re
Arbri dhe Everesti, maratone per autizmin
Rezarta Shkurta, fustan se bijes tek Rezi Skifteri
Kur muzika te ben shoqe: Enca Haxhia & Beatrix Ramosaj
Noizy zgjedh "Miss dhe Mister Durresin"
Anjeza Shahini, cmendurisht "in love"
Orgesa Zaimi, se shpejti albumi i pare
Vedat Ademi krenohet me djalin
Paraditet plot diell te Eranda Libohoves
Ronela Hajati: Fjala e Getit eshte ligj
Fjolla Morina, llastohet si e bija
Armina Mevlani, nder me te bukurat ne bote
Aurela Gace dhe Eli Fara, mike te pandara

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