Welcome to Alba Flash News! The idea of this blog is to comment on relevant and interesting celebrity news & events, fun & entertainment, unique stories and more, in a concise and simple format without gimmicks. We bring you the latest news titles on albanian gossip and showbiz in a flash style. The blog supports english and albanian language. Enjoy!

Monday, 7 October 2013

Istrefovit: We are "kallabllak" sisters!

Motrat Istrefi: Nora, Nita dhe Era
You know the popular folk song "kallabllak sister we are, we are sisters plenty girls". Well, these are Istrefi sisters that look pretty "kallabllak" in this picture. A stylist and two singers Nora, Nita and Era. Marshallah, OJ Luli, how beautiful you are, the same way you dress, in the picture you look nice, dressed firmato "Gangster 4 life".
(kete as google se perkthen dot, lol)
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Istrefovit: Jena motra kallabllak! 

E keni parasysh ate kengen popullore: "Jena motra kallabllak, jena motra qika plot". Eh, keto motrat Istrefi po duken goxha "kallabllak" ne kete foto. Nje stiliste dhe dy kengetare: Nora, Nita dhe Era. Marshallah, oj lulija, sa te bukura qe jeni, edhe veshjen njesoj e keni, ne foto po dukeni shume najs, me veshje firmato "gangster 4 life".

Maksi and the quips of an attractive journalist towards VIPs in "Zhurma Show"

Maksim Gjokaj, prezantuesi qe thumboi Vipat e ZHSHA
Same as last year, on the red carpet at Zhurma Show Awards 2013 the host has been the known journalist Maxim Gjokaj who was not only greeting the guest artists for the appearance but also quipping. Silva was teased for finding love with Duffy, Gjysta about dress and appearance by her husband and many other news that were subsequently commented. Maksi, as all know him, is one of the most attractive reporters when referring to the VIP interviews that he conducts, and at the same time is one of the presenters and journalists who is greatly liked by albanian artists. We just did not get quite for what did he tease the star of the evening, beautiful singer Leonora Jakupi, with whom he has posed together in a picture, making many men "jealous".
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Maksi dhe thumbat e nje gazetari atraktiv ndaj Vipave ne "Zhurma Show"

Edhe kete vit ne tapetin e kuq ne Zhurma Show Awards 2013 ka qene gazetari i njohur Maksim Gjokaj ku jo vetem ka pergezuar artistet e ftuar per dukjen por ai aty ka thumbuar. Silven e ka ngacmuar per gjetjen e te dashurit Dafin, Gjysten per veshjen dhe dukjen e saj nga ana e bashkeshortit e shume lajme te tjera qe me pas jane komentuar. Maksi sic e njohin te gjithe shquhet si nje nga gazetaret me atraktiv kur i referohet intervistave me VIP qe ai ben, njekohesisht eshte nje nga prezantuesit dhe gazetaret qe artistet shqiptare e duan shume. Nuk e morem vesh mire se per cfare ngacmoi yllin e kesaj mbremjeje, kengetaren bukuroshe Leonora Jakupi, me te cilen ai ka pozuar se bashku me nje foto duke bere shume meshkuj "xheloz".

When the most beautiful of Big Brother meet...

Mimoza Krasniqi dhe Vigan Shehu, si nje cift i vertete
You remember the beauty of BB2, Mimoza Krasniqi? Of course you do! Although in shadow now in terms of media, this picture has aroused curiosity of fans and has received hundreds of likes and many positive comments. There cannot be different when, the most beautiful girl meets the most beautiful guy of Big Brother! It's about Vigan Shehu of BB6, who posted this picture on his social network. We don't know what's the occassion of their meeting but as if the red color of love dominates this picture, and rumors about the two have already started. We liked this rumor because, hand on heart, the two look beautiful together, like a real couple. As Kaos say, "Cheers and Congratulations"!
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Kur me te bukurit e Big Brother takohen!

Ju kujtohet bukuroshja e BB2, Mimoza Krasniqi? Natyrisht se po! Megjithese tani ne hije sa i perket mediave, kjo foto ka zgjuar kersherine e fansave dhe ka marre qindra pelqime dhe shume komente positive. Nuk ka si te jete ndryshe kur, me e bukura, takon me te bukurin e Big Brother! Fjala eshte per Vigan Shehun e BB6, i cili ka postuar kete foto ne rrjetin e tij social. Nuk e dime se per cfare rasti jane takuar por ngjyra e kuqe e dashurise sikur dominon ne kete foto, dhe thashethemet per te dyte vec sa kane filluar. Neve na pelqeu ky thashethem pasi, doren ne zemer, te dy duken bukur se bashku, si nje cift i vertete. Si thone Kaos-et, hajde "Gezuar e Perhajr"!

Autumn image of Nora Istrefi

Nora Istrefi by Sharr Rezniqi
Singer Nora Istrefi is showing that she can beautifully adapt to climate. Photos of her in bikini in Dubai are still in circulation and being commented, but now autumn has come and Nora has promoted herself fully dressed, in its social network, with a new autumn image. According to captions, we learn that the pictures are made ​​by Sharr Rezniqi but we have not learnt for what occassion. The latest rumors about separation with her fiance do not seem to have shaken the singer and looks as if it served good on the purpose of publicity.
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Imazhi vjeshtor i Nora Istrefit

Kengetarja Nora Istrefi po tregohet se di bukur t'i adaptohet klimes. Fotot e saja te Dubait ne bikini jane ende ne qarkullim dhe te komentuara, por tani vjeshta ka ardhe dhe Nora ka promovuar veten te veshur, ne rrjetin e saj social, me nje imazh te ri vjeshtor. Sipas dicitures, mesojme se fotot jane realizuar nga Sharr Rezniqi por nuk morem vesh se per cfare rasti. Thashethemet e fundit per ndarje nga i fejuari duket se nuk e kane lekundur kengetaren dhe sikur ato kryen sherbimin e mire te publicitetit.

Diana and Angela, join forces

Diana Avdiu & Angela Martini by Admir Saiti
Both lovely, top albanian models Diana Avdiu and Angela Martini, are brought together in front of the camera of the new photographer Admir Saiti from Kumanovo. Admir lives in Switzerland and has photography as a hobby but his career has marked a rise especially after being a guest to Fadil Berisha in New York, during the week of the beauty contest "Miss Universe" in September. Here, this picture is the result of this collaboration, merit of Fadil Berisha who is always aiming to promote young albanian artists.
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Diana dhe Angela, bashkojne forcat 

Te dyja bukuroshe, top modelet shqiptare Diana Avdiu dhe Angela Martini, jane bere bashke para kameres se fotografit te ri Admir Saiti nga Kumanova. Admiri jeton ne Zvicer dhe ka fotografine si hobi por karriera e tij ka shenuar ngritje sidomos pas te qenit mysafir i Fadil Berishes ne New York, gjate javes se konkursit te bukurise "Miss Universe" ne muajin shtator. Ja dhe kjo foto eshte fryt i ketij bashkepunimi, merite e Fadil Berishes qe synon gjithmone te promovoje artistet e rinj shqiptare.

Aurela, in good shape to start trying for a son...

Aurela Gace ne Crazy Calvin
Aurela Gace who made ​​the headlines recently with her noisy wedding, has always shown that she had the desire to maintain her body in a good shape. But she is not satisfied with her weight that she has now and intends to achieve the ideal, by removing few more pounds. "I want to be in good shape before starting for a son ... there are still very stubborn 3kg that do not wish to leave the body, but I will remove them or nothing" she wrote on her social network. While she tells that beside gym she is doing fast walking and will soon start swimming too, since swimming, as she says, makes you look like a fish. We wish for her daughter Grace to have a little brother as soon as possible.
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Aurela, ne forme per te nise djalin

Aurela Gace e cila beri buje pak kohe me pare me dasmen e saj te zhurmshme, gjithmone ka deshmuar se ka deshire ta mbaj trupin e palestruar mire. Por, ajo nuk eshte kenaqur me peshen qe ka tani dhe synon te arrij idealen, duke hequr edhe ca kile me shume. "Dua te jem ne forme te mire para se te nis djalin... I kam, akoma 3kg shume kokeforte qe s'duan ta leshojne trupin, por ja i heq ja bej bam", ka shkruar ajo ne rrjetin e saj social. Ndersa ka treguar se pervec palestres ajo ben ecjen e shpejte dhe do nise se shpejti edhe notin, pasi noti, sic thote ajo, te ben peshk fare. Urojme qe vajza e saj Grace ta kete sa me shpejte edhe nje vella te vogel.

Aferdita Dreshaj, the "embarrasing" photos and video with turkish singer

Aferdita Dreshaj me kengetarin turk per klipin e ri
Although singer and model Aferdita Dreshaj has categorically denied rumors about a possible connection with the Turkish singer, she is still being commented, in other words, fans don't believe her, that she herself has not had something more than just friends or working relationship with turkish singer Bulent Serttap. The model has made the ​​"Titanic" with the singer for his new video, the second one with him, and even commented through in turkish media for the holiday spent together in luxurious yacht along the coast of the well known touristic place of Bodrum. Published photos, where she is seeing cuddling with the Turkish singer, have put the singer in discomfort and as if its happening a "deja vu" that could lead to a second separation from Shpat, if it was true the recent news of them getting together again, even if secretly.

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Aferdita Dreshaj, ja fotot e "sikletshme" dhe videoja me kengetarin turk

Ndonese kengetarja dhe modelja Aferdita Dreshaj ka mohuar kategorikisht thashethemet per nje lidhje te saj te mundshme me kengetarin turk, ajo ende po komentohet, me nje fjale, fansat nuk po e besojne, se ajo vet nuk ka pasur dicka me shume se vetem miqe apo marredhenie pune me kengetarin turk Bulent Serttap. Modelja ka bere "titanikun" me kengetarin per klipin e tij me te ri, te dytin me te dhe jane komentuar madje neper mediat turke per pushimin qe kane kaluar se bashku ne jahten luksoze neper brigjet e vendit te njohur turistik Bodrum. Fotot e publikuara ku ajo shihet e perqafuar me kengetarin turk, e kane vene kengetaren ne siklet dhe sikur po ndodh nje "deja vu" qe do shpie deri te nje ndarje e dyte me Shpatin, nese ishte i vertete lajmi i para pak kohesh se jane bashkuar, qofte edhe tinezisht.

Vildane, makes everything look sexy

Vildane Zeneli photo by Veton Osmani
Albanian sexy diva, supermodel Vildane Zeneli, has taken a very beautiful pose in front of our albanian photographer Veton Osmani, during her recent visit to Kosovo. She looks "terribly" seductive and with her graces makes even dresses of designer Blerina Kllokoqi Rugova (BKR) look much sexy. We remind you, this beauty is also building her musical career, where lately she has recorded a new song titled "Once again" in collaboration with the young singer Gezim Gashi.
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Vildanja, ben qe cdo gje te duket seksi

Seksi diva shqiptare, supermodelja Vildane Zeneli, ka marre nje poze shume te bukur para fotografit tone shqiptar, Veton Osmani, gjate vizites se saj te fundit ne Kosove. Ajo duket "tmerresisht" joshese dhe me hiret e saj ben qe edhe fustanet e dizajneres Blerina Kllokoqi Rugova (BKR) te duken shume me seksi. Ju kujtojme, kjo bukuroshe eshte duke ndertuar edhe karrieren e saj muzikore, ku se fundmi ajo ka incizuar nje kenge te re me titull "Once again" ne bashkepunim me kengetarin e ri Gezim Gashi.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Enca, with a new romance?

Enca, nje romance e re?
"October is my favorite. Is month of new beginnings, new projects, romances, the hot chocolate and of course my birthday ...", has written new singer Ruensa or better known as Enca. She, as seen in the photo she has posted recently, seems to be happy after receiving a red rose from someone, perhaps a new romance that has just begun. Few days ago she talked how she prefers older men, and in few more days, exactly on 19th November, she herself will become 18 years old, an age of an adult that will probably allow her to do more "dangerous" adventures in her love life.
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Enca, nise romance te re?

"Tetori eshte i preferuari im. Eshte muaji i fillimeve te reja, projekteve te reja, romances, cokollates se nxehte dhe ditelindjes sime sigurisht...", ka shkruar kengetarja e re Ruensa apo sic njihet me shume si Enca. Ajo, sic shihet edhe ne foton qe ajo ka postuar se fundmi, duket sikur eshte e lumtur qe ka marre nje trendafil te kuq nga dikush, ndoshta nje romance e re qe sapo ka filluar. Pak dite me pare ajo tregoi se preferon meshkujt me te vjeter ndersa edhe pak dite, pikerisht me 19 nentor, edhe vet ajo do behet 18 vjece, nje moshe e rritur qe mesiguri do e lejoje ate te bej aventura me te "rrezikshme" ne dashuri.

Elvana Gjata, like a queen for "Anabel" magazine

Elvana Gjata ne kopertinen e "Anabel"
Elvana Gjata comes as a queen for the latest issue of the magazine "Anabel". Indeed, "Anabel" was not having enough with one cover but made two, to enjoy two versions of the Albanian beauty, who seems to be without competition. Inside the magazine you can find more professional photos made ​​by Eugenio Qose, under the personal attention of Lily Imaili for hair and make up and dress from Sabrina Mellace. This magnificient photoshoot is accomplished in beautiful Italian city of Florence, in July last summer, while there is also an accompanying video posted online that shows behind the scenes of implementation of these pictures.

few more snapshots from promo video
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Elvana Gjata, si nje mbretereshe per revisten "Anabel"

Elvana Gjata del si nje mbretereshe per numrin e fundit te revistes "Anabel". Ne te vertete, "Anabel" nuk ka mjaftuar me nje por ka bere dy kopertina, per te shijuar ne dy verzione bukuroshen shqiptare e cila duket sikur eshte e pa konkurrence. Ne brendesi te revistes mund te gjeni me shume foto profesionale te realizuara nga Eugenio Qose, nen perkujdesjen personale te Lili Ismailit per floket dhe grimin, si dhe veshjen nga Sabrina Mellace. Ky fotosesion mahnites eshte realizuar ne qytetin e bukur italian Firenze ne korrik te veres qe shkoi, ndersa eshte postuar online edhe nje video percjellese qe tregon prapa skenat e realizimit te ketyre fotove.

PALOMA Magazine - 5th October 2013

Revista "PALOMA" - 5 Tetor 2013
Headlines this week by "Paloma" magazine, ( 5th October 2013 ) :

Fiori Dardha, Doktori's new partner, the correct image of "Fiks Fare": Sincerity is not in fashion, but I do not give it up !
Jul Deda: We don't know who to sing this year in the "Apartment". I have energy for humor and business!
Rock & Rovena Dilo, "We will kiss" song that made stage go "crazy"
Big Mama, sorry but you do not have a saddle to show
Anila Cela : This time I come with a partner ! I'll show you changes to the afternoon at Vision Plus
Kujofsa Lisa : I left "Apartment" because there was nothing more it could offer
"Miss Globe", 10 years in Albania ! Director Petri Bozo: Even though the state has given us minimal support , we have succeeded !
Angela Martini , undresses for Fadil Berisha
Soni exercising hard
Anjeza Ruçi, the albanian girl in "Italy's Got Talent "
Besa Breca excluded from "Magic Song" for stealing song: I was deceived by composer Fabian Asllani
Tuna returns to "Magic Song" in collaboration with Arilena
Being miss / models , or not to be ? That is the question ! Vera Grabocka , Alda Bida & Petri Bozo , Aurela Hoxha , Joni Peci , Sonny K.Elson , Greiss Petrovic
By Niko Komani : Trendy 7 days a week !
1 Minute with Suada Sherifi
IN & OUT : Fiori Dardha, Getoar Selimi , Dafina Zeqiri (IN); Bledi Strakosha ( reasons for dismissal ), Aurela Gace ( rumors of age ), Supermodel of Albania (organisation) (OUT)
On Scanner : Era Istrefi
Your boyfriend is older than You; Pros and Cons !
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Titujt kryesore te kesaj jave nga Revisat "Paloma", (5 Tetor 2013):

Fiori Dardha, partnerja e re e Doktorit, imazhi i duhur per "Fiks Fare": Sinqeriteti nuk eshte ne mode, por une nuk heq dore prej tij!
Jul Deda: Nuk dime kujt t'i kendojme kete vit tek "Apartamenti". Kam energji per humor e biznes!
Rock & Rovena Dilo; "Ne do puthemi" kenga qe "cmendi" skenen
Big Mama, na vjen keq por nuk ke shale per te treguar
Anila Cela: Kete here vij me nje partner! Ju tregoj ndryshimet e pasdites ne Vizion Plus
Lisa Kujofsa: E lash "Apartamentin" pasi s'kishte cfare te me ofronte me...
"Miss Globe", 10 vjet ne Shqiperi! Regjisori Petri Bozo: Edhe pse shteti na ka dhene ndihme minimale, ne ja kemi dale!
Angela Martini, zhvishet per Fadil Berishen
Soni stervitet fort
Anjeza Ruci, shqiptarja ne "Italia's Got Talent"
Besa Breca perjashtohet ne "Kenga Magjike" per kenge te vjedhur: Me mashtroi kompozitori Fabian Asllani
Tuna rikthehet te "Kenga Magjike" ne bashkepunim me Arilenen
Te jesh miss/modele, a te mos jesh? Kjo eshte ceshtja! Vera Grabocka, Alda Bida & Petri Bozo, Aurela Hoxha, Joni Peci, Sonny K.Elson, Greiss Petrovic
Nga Niko Komani: Trendy 7 dite te javes!
1 Minute me Suada Sherifin
IN&OUT: Fiori Dardha, Getoar Selimi, Dafina Zeqiri (IN); Bledi Strakosha (arsyet e largimit nga puna), Aurela Gace (thashethemet mbi moshen), Supermodel of Albania (organizimi) (OUT)
Ne SKANER: Era Istrefi
I dashuri yt eshte me i madh se Ty; Pro dhe Kunder!

PANORAMA PLUS Magazine - 5th October 2013

Revista PANORAMA PLUS - 5 Tetor 2013
Headlines this week by "Panorama Plus" magazine, ( 5 October 2013 ) :

Arbana Osmani: Here is why this year there will be no "Big Brother"
Miriam Cani partner with Armina Mevlani in " DWS "
Aurela Gace: Sprint and swimming before starting a son
Fiori Dardha: What I was asked by Cakuli to do different with "Fiks Fare"
Agron Llakaj : How will "Al Pazar" behave with Berisha and Rama in the new political situation
Former minister Bregu, in Parliament with Jaguar
Niko Peleshi enjoys the night life in Tirana
Linda Rama, from classic to extravagant
Ermal Mamaqi : I feel happy as a father, first time to relish insomnia
Endri Prifti teaches Andresa singing
" Apartment 2XL " on screen tomorrow, Xheni Hallulli of " Portokallise " instead of Lisa Kujofses
Announced supermodels of the year, sensual photos promoted
Capital T, career in politics after that in music
" Zhurma Show Awards " show that gathers VIPs, here are details of backstage : Silva officially in public with boyfriend Duffy ; Tuna bypasses " Zhurma Show " for a concert in Germany , How were some of the VIP women at "ZHSHA 2013"; Adrian and Florian triumph in "ZHSHA"; Ex - girlfriend of 50 Cent in " ZHSHA "
Adelina Tahiri some numbers increases breast with surgery
Valbona Selimllari tempted by Alketa Vejsiu dresses
"Miss Globe", 10 years in Albania. Final night, the evening of November 2 in Durres
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Titujt kryesore te kesaj jave nga Revista "Panorama Plus" (5 Tetor 2013):

Arbana Osmani: Ja pse s'do te kete sivjet "Big Brother"
Miriam Cani, partnerja e Armina Mevlanit ne "DWS"
Aurela Gace: Vrap dhe not para se te nis djalin
Fiori Dardha: Cfare m'u kerkua nga Cakuli te bej ndryshe ne "Fiks Fare"
Agron Llakaj: Si do te sillet "Al Pazar" me Berishen dhe Ramen ne situaten e re politike
Ish-ministrja Bregu, ne Parlament me Jaguar
Niko Peleshi shijon jeten e nates ne Tirane
Linda Rama, nga klasike ne ekstravagante
Ermal Mamaqi: Ndihem i lumtur si baba, hera e pare qe me shijon pagjumesia
Endri Prifti meson Andresen te kendoje
"Apartamenti 2XL" neser ne ekran, Xheni Hallulli e "Portokallise" ze vendin e Lisa Kujofses
Shpallen supermodelet e vitit, promovohen me foto sensuale
Capital T, karriere ne politike pas asaj si reper
"Zhurma Show Awards", spektakli qe mbledh VIP-at, ja paskuintat: Silva zyrtarisht ne publik me te dashurin Dafi; Tuna anashkalon "Zhurma Show" per nje koncert ne Gjermani; Si u duken disa nga femrat VIP ne "ZHSHA 2013"; Adriani dhe Floriani triumfojne ne "ZHSHA"; Ish-e dashura e 50 Cent ne "ZHSHA"
Adelina Tahiri zmadhon gjoksin disa numra me operacion
Valbona Selimllari joshet nga fustanet e Alketa Vejsiut
"Miss Globe", 10 vjet ne Shqiperi. Nata Finale, mbremjen e 2 nentorit ne Durres

BLUETOOTH Magazine - 5th October 2013

Revista BLUETOOTH - 5 Tetor 2013
Headlines this week by "Bluetooth" magazine ( October 5, 2013 ) :

Photographs, Ermal & Ami : Our Happiness is called Joel. Ermal: The boy looks like both of us, more like me by voice
Weekly contest at "Facebook": Who has the most beautiful low-necked dress ! Women expose breasts VIP : Elvana Gjata, Alberie Hadergjonaj, Rita Ora, Anjeza Branka, Fjolla Morina , Leonora Jakupi
Neda & Ogreni deny separation with kisses and cuddle in the Block
Meta - Topalli ; handshake after rotation
"Fiks Fare" Fiori Dardha: I found freedom once denied. I received hundreds of positive reviews, the public has welcomed me !
Saima Kodra: Here is why I left "Fiks Fare"! I will come back with a program similar to "Le iene"
"Miss Globe" celebrates its 10th anniversary in Albania. Final night, the evening of November 2 in Durres
Albania elects Supermodel. The spectacle where careers began Zana Krasniqi, Angela Martini and Jessica Barberi, reaches its finish
Arber Kadia "abandoned" ministry for "Vision Afternoon"
Aferdita Dreshaj: I have no connection with Turkish singer
Many congratulations for Valbona's husband
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Titujt kryesore te kesaj jave nga Revista "Bluetooth" (5 tetor 2013):

Fotografite, Ermali & Ami: Lumturia jone mban emrin Joel. Ermali: Djali na ngjan te dyve, mua me shume nga zeri
Gara e javes ne "Facebook": Kush ka dekoltene me te bukur! Femra VIP ekspozojne gjoksin: Elvana Gjata, Alberie Hadergjonaj, Rita Ora, Anjeza Branka, Fjolla Morina, Leonora Jakupi
Neda & Ogreni mohojne ndarjen, me puthje dhe perqafime ne Bllok
Meta-Topalli; Shtrengim duarsh pas rotacionit
"Fiks Fare", Fiori Dardha: Gjeta lirine e mohuar dikur. Mora qindra komente pozitive, publiku me ka mirepritur!
Saimir Kodra: Ja pse u largova nga "Fiks Fare"! Do vij me nje program te ngjashem me "Le Iene"
"Miss Globe" feston 10-vjetorin ne Shqiperi. Nata Finale, mbremjen e 2 nentorit ne Durres
Shqiperia zgjedh Supermodelet. Spektakli ku filluan karrieren Zana Krasniqi, Angela Martini e Xhesika Berberi, arrin ne finish
Arber Kadia "braktis" ministrine per "Vizionin e Pasdites"
Aferdita Dreshaj: S'kam lidhje me kengetarin turk
Shume urime per burrin e Valbones

Friday, 4 October 2013

Leonora Jakupi, the star of the evening

Leonora Jakupi tek "Zhurma Show Awards 2013"
Photos of Leonora on the red carpet at "Zhurma Show Awards 2013", have done much "noise" in the media these days, commenting on decollete dress being open and her breasts exposed. It is not the first time that Leonora choose such a dress, but its not that we're complaining so much really, a beauty as she, its suits her to "tease" us in this way.

photo: festa krasniqi
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Leonora Jakupi, ylli i mbremjes
Fotot e Leonores ne tapetin e kuq te "Zhurma Show Awards 2013", kane bere shume "zhurme" neper media keto dite, duke u komentuar per dekoltene e hapur dhe gjoksin e saj te ekspozuar. Nuk eshte hera e pare qe Leonora zgjedh nje fustan te tille, por nuk eshte edhe se ankohemi vertete aq shume, pasi nje bukurosheje si ajo i ka hije te nga "ngacmoje" edhe ne kete menyre.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Albana Azizi, new music video for her birthday

Albana Azizi, se shpejti me klip te ri
She has just celebrated her 21st birthday anniversary and there she seems to have calculated the perfect timing to "burn" the atmosphere with a song and new video titled "Burn it tonight". It is about the kosovar singer Albana Azizi aka Thaila, born and raised in Switzerland, who beside being active in the local arena she's seeking european market as well. The music project is realized by the studio Genton, while the video will be realized by Urban Graphics, writes the Telegraph.
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Albana Azizi, per ditelindje nje klip te ri
Ajo sapo ka festuar 21-vjetorin e ditelindjes keto dite dhe duket sikur ka llogaritur kohen perfekt per te "kallur" atmosferen me nje kenge dhe klip te ri me titull "Kalle sonte". Behet fjale per kengetaren kosovare Albana Azizi aka Thaila, e lindur dhe rritur ne Zvicer, e cila pervec se eshte aktive ne skenen vendore ajo synon poashtu edhe ate evropiane. Projekti muzikor eshte realizuar nga studio Genton, ndersa klipi do te realizohet nga Urban Graphics, shkruan Telegrafi.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Rita Ora, now as a presenter

Rita Ora, presenter at Teen Awards 2013
Albanian pop icon, Rita Ora, has announced that it will be presenting the musical event "BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards", in support of experienced presenter Nick Grimshaw. Presentation of awards will take place on 3 November 2013 in Wembley Arena of London, while this will be the 4th edition of this event in which this year are expected to perform Tinie Tempah, Fall Out Boy, Rizzle Kicks, Jessi J, and Pop Icon James Arthur. Otherwise, the British media speak for a business meeting between Rita Ora and Simon Cowell about the X Factor, saying that the latter is keen to make use of the Albanian singer as part of jury panel.
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Rita Ora, tani edhe si prezantuese
Pop ikona shqiptare, Rita Ora, ka bere te ditur se do jete prezantuese ne evenimentin muzikor "BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards", ne krah te prezantuesit me eksperience, Nick Grimshaw. Ndarja e cmimeve do te behet me 3 nentor 2013 ne Wembley Arena te Londres, ndersa ky do jete edicioni i 4-te i ketij evenimenti ku kete vit pritet te performojne Tinie Tempah, Fall Out Boy, Rizzle Kicks, Jessi J, Icona Pop dhe James Arthur. Ndryshe, mediat britanike flasin per nje takim pune mes Rita Ores dhe Simon Cowell ne lidhje me X Factor, ku thuhet se ky i fundit eshte i etur ta fus kengetaren shqiptare ne panelin e jurise.

Aurela Gace, plans to repeat the wedding

Aurela Gace, serish dasem pas 10 vjetes
Do not worry, it will not happen now but in 10 years time. "We, that never wanted to marry, it relished us I think and we're going to wear again this dress and Skerdi's suit and will do the wedding again after 10 years", was quoted Aurela saying in an article in "Paloma" . So after 10 years those rumours that bride Aurela is older then the groom, will not drink water, since the two would then grow old alike, and of course will be with many many more children behind. It seems now this trend has become a phenomenon, when brides are "remade" brides again. So did, a little while ago, Gjyste, then Mihrija etc..
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Aurela Gace, planet per te perseritur dasmen
Mos u shqetesoni, se kjo nuk do ndodh tani por pas 10 vjetesh. "Ne qe s'donim kurre te martoheshim, na lezetoi me duket dhe do t'i veshim prape kete fustan dhe kostumin e Skerdit dhe do bejme prape dasme pas 10 vjetesh", eshte cituar te kete thene Aurela ne nje shkrim nga "Paloma". Keshtu pas 10 vjetesh ato ca llafe se nusja Aurela eshte me e vjeter se dhendrri, nuk do pine me uje, se te dy do plaken atehere njesoj, natyrisht dhe me shume me shume kalamaj pas. Duket sikur tani eshte shnderruar ne trend ky fenomen, kur nuset "ribehen" prape nuse. Keshtu pak kohe me pare beri Gjystja, pastaj Mihrija etj.

Ronela lost a "bird" but gained a new song

Ronela Hajati me kengen "Mos ma lsho" ne Kenga Magjike 2013
It turned out that the "bird" of Tuna that now grew into famous one, was allegedly stolen from Ronela, ie. song "Fenix​​" was originally worked for the latter, who for some reason could not pay due attention to this "bird" while it was still tiny and it escaped to Tuna. But the past is forgotten, Ronela has now a new song titled "Mos ma lsho" composed by Elgit Doda, with which she will appear in the Magic Song 2013. We wish that this time she pays attention to this song and doesn't "let it escape" to someone else.
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Ronela humb "zogun" por fiton nje kenge te re
Doli se "zogu" i Tunes qe tashme u rrit e u be i famshem, na qenka vjedhur nga Ronela, dmth. kenga "Fenix" ishte punuar fillimisht per kete te fundit, e cila per disa arsye nuk mund t'i kushtonte vemendjen e duhur ketij "zogu" derisa ishte ende i vockel dhe ai iku tek Tuna. Por, e shkuar e harruar, Ronela ka gati nje kenge te re me titullin "Mos ma lsho", punuar nga Elgit Doda, me te cilen ajo do paraqitet ne Kengen Magjike 2013. Urojme qe kesaj radhe ajo t'i kushtoj vemendje kenges dhe "mos t'ia leshoj" askujt tjeter.

Our VIPs, "whores" of Dubai?

In a way or another, so did write an article in the Gazeta Express. According to the article, certain sources (unknown) say that our VIP ladies don't go so frequently to Dubai just for the beach and imago, but also to actually make profits by offering special services, such as escorts to sheikh customers, and even sex. Oopa! Even Blerim Destani goes there often, does it mean that he is "male whore" too. And so they thought they would go unnoticed by our strong journalists, he he! They're mistaken!
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Femrat tona VIP, "rrospia" te Dubait?
Ne nje fare menyre a tjeter, keshtu ka shkruar nje artikull ne Gazeten Express. Sipas artikullit, burime te caktuara (dhe te panjohura) thone se femrat tona VIP nuk shkojne ne Dubai vetem per plazh dhe imazh, por ne fakt edhe per te profituar duke ofruar sherbime speciale, si eskort per klientet sheik, madje dhe seks. Oopa! Edhe Blerim Destani shkon shpesh atje, mos vall na qenka edhe ai "rrospillan". Dhe keshtu ata kane menduar se do kalojne pa u verejtur nga gazetaret tane te forte, he he! Gabohen!

Vildane Zeneli and Gezim Gashi, new hit is coming...

Vildane Zeneli & Gezim Gashi, incizojne kengen ne bashkepunim
This weekend, Vildane and Gezim have planned to complete recordings of their song entitled "Once Again", previously announced, in collaboration. Besides working as a model and actress, Vildane has announced long ago that she is building her music career. Fans are eager to see this beauty under image of a super sexy singer. She was written about alot in media recently during her stay in Kosovo where she appeared as image of fashion designer Blerina Kllokoqi Rugova. Gezim on the other hand is a young and talended singer that promises big, and we have no doubts, this collaboration will be welcomed by the fans.

Gezim Gashi & Vildane Zeneli recording of "Once Again"
Recording "Once Again" in Manhattan
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Vildane Zeneli dhe Gezim Gashi, nje hit po vjen
Kete vikend, Vildanja dhe Gezimi kane ne plan te kryejne incizimet e kenges se tyre me titull "Once again", te paralajmeruar me heret, ne bashkepunim. Krahas punes si modele dhe aktore, Vildanja ka kohe qe ka bere te ditur se eshte duke ndertuar edhe nje karriere te saj muzikore. Fansat presin me padurim ta shohin kete bukuroshe me imazhin e nje kengetareje super seksi. Ajo se fundmi u perfol shume ne media gjate qendrimit ne Kosove ku u shfaq si imazh i stilistes Blerina Kllokoqi Rugova. Gezimi ne anen tjeter eshte nje kengetar i ri dhe i talentuar qe premton shume dhe nuk kemi dyshime, ky bashkepunim do te mirepritet nga fansat.

Rihanna copies Dafina? Don't laugh!

Rihanna vs Dafina
Rihanna has released some new pictures from her new video and as soon as we saw it, it reminded us the Albanian singer Dafina Zeqiri, who is often accused of copying Rihanna, but this time we were surprised by the fact that if was happening the opposite direction, since a striptease girl and similar images we've seen previously in Dafina's video or on her social network. Here are photos and see for yourself.
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Rihanna kopjon Dafinen? Mos qesh!
Rihanna ka publikuar disa foto te reja nga klipi i saj me i ri dhe sapo i pame, na shkoi mendja tek kengetarja jone shqiptare Dafina Zeqiri, e cila shpesh eshte akuzuar per kopjim te Rihanes, por kete radhe u befasuam me faktin se sikur po ndodhte e kunderta, pasi nje striptizere dhe imazhe te ngjashme i kemi pare me heret tek klipi i Dafines apo ne rrjetin e saj social. Ja shikoni fotot dhe binduni...

Asian model falls in love with Diana Avdiu

Jeff Lee & Diana Avdiu for NYFW
"Beauty has no limits" model Jeff Lee wrote in his social network, where he has posted several photos realized together with the beautiful Diana Avdiu and apparently is in love, as he has not saved numerous compliments towards Albanian model. This was a photoshoot done by Fadil Berisha for fashion week in New York during the month of September.
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Modeli aziatik bie ne dashuri me Diana Avdiun
"Bukuria s'ka kufij" ka shkruar modeli Jeff Lee ne rrjetin e tij social, ku ka postuar disa foto te realizuara se bashku me bukuroshen Diana Avdiu dhe me sa duket eshte dashuruar ne te, pasi nuk ka kursyer komplimente te shumta drejtuar modeles shqiptare. Ka qene ky nje fotosesion i realizuar nga Fadil Berisha per javen e modes ne New York gjate muajit shtator.

Noizy goes back to his old love

Noizy dhe vajza e tij Leandra
Noizy and his daughter Leandra
Noizy, who celebrated his 27th birthday a few days earlier, is back with his old love, writes "Paloma". It is about the love with whome he has a girl named Leandra. Secret sources speak of a reunion of Noizy with mother of his daughter, and it looks like the couple is experiencing their love for the second time, but now like adults and more mature. We rejoice to this news and wish that Noizy has renounced his dissolute life that he's had so far.
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Noizy i rikthehet dashurise se vjeter
Noizy, i cili para pak ditesh festoi 27 vjetorin, i eshte rikthyer dashurise se vjeter, shkruan "Paloma". Behet fjale per dashurine me te cilen ka edhe nje vajze me emrin Leandra. Burimet sekrete flasin per nje ribashkim te Noizyt me mamane e vajzes, dhe duket sikur cifti eshte duke perjetuar dashurine e tyre per se dyti, por tashme me te rritur dhe me te pjekur. I gezohemi ketij lajmi dhe urojme qe Noizy te kete hequr dore nga jeta e tij e shthurur qe ka bere deri tani.